Braughing Archaeology Group
C/O Mark Landon, The Haven, 13 Green End, Braughing, Hertfordshire SG11 2PG.
Braughing Archaeology Group was formed in 2004, when I discovered that there was no existing active group within which I could indulge my passion for archaeology. I had been prodding about in fields for years before, and had made initial contact with the County Archaeology team, but it was obvious that this all had to be put on a slightly more regular footing. We are a subsection of Braughing Local History Society, and if you wish to join us in fieldwork you must join the Society, as we operate under the umbrella of their insurance. We work in close cooperation with the County Historic Environment Unit, who are very supportive of our research plans: archaeologically, this is one of the most important areas in the south-east of England, yet the vast majority of it is unexplored, and none of it is fully understood. We operate responsibly, with the aim of finding out as much as possible with the minimum necessary impact on the sites we investigate. The physical remains of the Past are a limited resource which should be conserved, as far as possible, for future generations. The Group has no formal structure. It is a mailing-list which is used to assemble a coalition of the willing to accomplish at least one project per season. Over the last nine years we have walked more than 70 fields (including the Roman potteries near Hadham), carried out three seasons of our own excavations, and provided volunteer labour to assist PreConstruct Archaeology (Central) Ltd. in the excavation of the Iron Age and Roman cemetery at Skeleton Green.
In line with our founding principles, we aim to make available to other researchers the information we gather as fully and as fast as we can. Some of our reports are available for download on this website.
If you have questions, or want to join BAG email me.
Mark Landon