Braughing Archaeology Group

An archaeologist excavating a skeleton

Experience history with us!

 The village of Braughing sits at the confluence of the Rib and Quin Rivers, and while it is a small village today, it has been a major settlement site since prehistoric times. In the Roman era, Braughing was a crossroads town, where travellers on the major Roman roads of Ermine Street and the Great Chesterford Road would cross paths and, perhaps, stop to rest and resupply for their journey.

As such, this is one of the most important archaeological regions in southeast England; yet the vast majority of it is unexplored, and none of it is fully understood. Our community archaeology group seeks to help increase our understanding of our local area. We operate responsibly, with the aim of finding out as much as possible with the minimum impact on the sites we investigate.

 The Braughing Archaeology Group is a coalition of interested citizens who are willing to take part in active archaeological investigations, from fieldwalking to digging to processing and recording finds and reporting our findings. Over the last 18 years, we have walked more than 70 fields (including the Roman potteries near Hadham), carried out three seasons of our own excavations, and provided volunteer labour to assist Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. in the excavation of the Iron Age and Roman cemetery at Puckeridge.

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